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Donations Made In Memory or In Honor...

In Memory Donations (Person or pet has passed away)

When you make a donation today, you can designate the gift to be made In Memory of a person or pet who has passed on. Memorial gifts made online provide you with the option to send an email notification and optional ecard to a person of your choosing. If you would like us to mail a letter to someone instead, please mail your donation to us (via check or credit card number) and include the contact information for the individual(s) to be notified. Donations may be mailed to: PARL, 34 Elbow St. Providence, RI 02903. 

In Honor Donations (Person or pet is still living)

When you make a donation today, you can designate the gift to be made In Honor of a person or pet who is still living. When making this donation online, you will have the option to send an email notification and optional ecard to a person of your choosing. If you would like us to mail a letter to someone instead, please mail your donation to us (via check or credit card number) and include the contact information for the individual(s) to be notified. Donations may be mailed to: PARL, 34 Elbow St. Providence, RI 02903.

Questions? Please contact us at or call 401-421-1399 x2109